

Afforestation / Reforestation​

The Generation

Transform degraded land into thriving forests that lasts generations!

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Key Facts




2.800 ha



Project Partner

Insurable Project

Since 1995 Generation Forest restores degraded land in Panama into permanent, biodiverse forests, sequestering carbon
for 100 years.

Unique Project ID: vcs 2481

Registry: VCS CCB

Beyond Accredited Standards

We measure each nature project against our comprehensive Nature Analytics Framework with over 160 data points.


out of 5

Overall Project Score

Generation Forest Project achieves high scores for its high permanence and low overestimation risk as well as its high climate change mitigation impact​.


(how the project helps)

4.1 out of 5

With a sequestration rate of >20 tCO₂ per hectare and a total impact of 25 million tonnes CO₂ removed, this project outperforms most forestry initiatives.

Its 100-year carbon capture model and 10,000-hectare scale ensure lasting climate benefits.

Risk Reduction

(how it’s secured)

4.1 out of 5

Generation Forest's diverse, locally native species avoid risk tied to monocultures.

Backed by 25 years of experience, strong local partnerships, and a skilled workforce, the project operates in a stable political environment, ensuring long-term success.


(how it stays reliable)

4.1 out of 5

As Panama’s first B Corp-certified project developer, this initiative upholds the highest environmental and social standards.

With a transparent, purpose-driven business and secure land ownership, it sets a benchmark for integrity.

Get full access to the goodcarbon Nature-Analytics assessment.

Contact our Experts

Meet our nature experts

“We are proud that the Generation Forest Group has chosen goodcarbon to sell its first carbon credits.”

We love The Generation Forest because it delivers measurable climate and biodiversity benefits. Using state-of-the-art monitoring technology and collaborating with leading research institutions, it ensures transparency and scientific rigor.

Why The Project Matters

Rainforests are disappearing

The Problem

Historic forest lands have been degraded due to extensive cattle ranching.

Without action, these degraded lands remain unproductive and contribute to biodiversity loss and climate change.

How Generation Forest Helps

By planting over 20 native tree species on degraded lands the project creates a multi-species ecosystem, similar to a natural rainforest.



Darién Province, Panama

The Generation Forest

What makes this project special?

With fair wages and strong ties to indigenous communities,
The Generation Forest delivers lasting environmental and social benefits.





of rainforest have already been restored.

Equals ≈1.429 football fields!





have already been positively impacted.

28 full-time jobs and 60 seasonal jobs were created during the vintage period.


High Carbon Removal Rate


tonnes of CO2e

per hectare are sequestered annually over 35 years, with a project lifetime of over 100 years.

More than most forestry projects

goodcarbon Portfolio Builder

Meet our project Partner

The Generation Forest pioneers a sustainable forestry model developed by Iliana Armién and Andreas Eke.

As part of the Generation Forest Group, Futuro Forestal has 30 years of expertise in native tree reforestation. The project partners with the Emberá community of Piriatí to run a tree nursery using wild-harvested seeds, fostering biodiversity and local empowerment. In collaboration with SOMASPA and ANCON, it has documented the return of endangered species like jaguars and pumas.

Contribution to SDGs

We grow long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships.

Zero Hunger

The project area is one of two regions with the highest poverty rates in Panama.

The Generation Forest empowers an indigenous community by entrusting them with the management and operation of the tree nursery, which supplies the seedlings for the project. This approach not only supports reforestation efforts but also fosters economic independence, preserves traditional ecological knowledge, and strengthens community engagement in environmental conservation.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Nobody knows the local forests better than the indigenous people who lived in the region for thousands of years.

The project creates partnerships at eye-level to work with indigenous people to source seeds of precious native trees, to help protect these species. The Wounaan people, for example, source most of the Cocobolo and Almendro seeds for the Generation Forests, as they know best where to find them.

Climate Action

The project lies within areas with a high Species Threat Abatement Score (STAR).

The project protects the endemic flora species which are vulnerable and/or critically endangered as well as protects and increases fauna population. Nobody apart from the Generation Forest is actively growing rare, locally sourced seeds of the majority of the native trees species. The Generation Forest therefore has a team specialized in collecting wild seeds of the trees.

Life on Land

The project takes place on historic forest lands which have been degraded due to extensive cattle ranching.

The project incorporates more than 20 native species and a mixed and multi-aged native tree species structure. Furthermore, the project not only re-establishes permanent ecosystems on degraded land that seemed deprived of any natural or economic value – it also monitors its impacts through state-of-the-art technology and partners with renowned scientific research institutions, such as the Yale School of Forestry.

“It’s wonderful to witness how such a tiny seed, can grow into a giant of the forest.”

Iliana Armien

Co-Founder Generation Forest



Project Description.pdf


CCB Verification Report.pdf


Monitoring Report.pdf


VCS Verification Report.pdf


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